Legislature(2013 - 2014)CAPITOL 106

03/20/2013 08:00 AM House EDUCATION

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
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Moved Out of Committee
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
Heard & Held
<Bill Hearing Postponed to 3/22/13>
        HB 133-SCHOOL CONST. GRANTS/SMALL MUNICIPALITIES                                                                    
8:04:44 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR GATTIS announced that the  first order of business would be                                                               
HOUSE  BILL  NO. 133,  "An  Act  relating  to grants  for  school                                                               
8:05:18 AM                                                                                                                    
TIM  CLARK,  Staff,  Representative Bryce  Edgmon,  Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature,  presented  a  PowerPoint,  titled  "HB  133  School                                                               
Construction Grants/Small Municipalities."  [Included in members'                                                               
packets]   He read from slide  2:  "HB 133  makes small municipal                                                               
school districts  that meet certain criteria  eligible for school                                                               
construction funding  from the REAA  fund.  Five  districts would                                                               
currently  qualify.    They  are   Saint  Mary's,  Tanana,  Kake,                                                               
Klawock,  and  Hydaburg."    He stated  that  the  proposed  bill                                                               
related  to Willie  and Sophie  Kasayulie,  et al.,  v. State  of                                                             
Alaska, 3AN-97-3782 CI, (1999),  which had identified inequitable                                                             
access to construction funding for rural schools.  He explained:                                                                
     Most municipal  districts are able  to bond  for school                                                                    
     construction and  subsequently access the  state's debt                                                                    
     reimbursement  program.   However,  Regional  Education                                                                    
     Attendance Areas  (REAAs) as  well as some  small rural                                                                    
     school  districts lack  taxable bases  large enough  to                                                                    
     make  bonding for  construction  possible.   Therefore,                                                                    
     REAAs and  some small rural school  districts can never                                                                    
     access the guaranteed state funding  that exists in the                                                                    
     form of the bonding debt reimbursement program.                                                                            
MR. CLARK  read from slide 3,  "The REAA Fund was  established in                                                               
2010  to   make  a  more  reliable,   consistent  funding  stream                                                               
available  to   REAAs,  none  of   which  can  bond   for  school                                                               
construction," and he  shared that they would not  have access to                                                               
this   guaranteed   funding   stream   in  the   form   of   debt                                                               
reimbursement.   He  continued  reading:   "Some small  municipal                                                               
school  districts are  effectively in  the same  circumstances as                                                               
REAAs."   Moving on to slide  4, he stated that,  "The Department                                                               
of Education  and Early Development Capital  Improvement Projects                                                               
School Construction Grant Fund List,"  which he declared would be                                                               
referred to  as "The  List," "plays a  central role."   Directing                                                               
attention to  slide 5, "Paths  to School Construction  Funding in                                                               
the Capital  Budget," he  declared that  these pathways  were the                                                               
heart of the  proposed bill and school construction  funding.  He                                                               
tracked  the paths  to receiving  school construction  funding in                                                               
the Capital  Budget, and walked  through the available  means for                                                               
construction funding.  He declared  that bonding was available to                                                               
most  municipal districts,  as the  State of  Alaska subsequently                                                               
reimbursed  60  -  70  percent   of  that  annual  bond  debt  as                                                               
guaranteed by law.  He described  that the other path was through                                                               
the  school construction  grant list,  which was  open to  REAAs,                                                               
small municipal school districts  without bonding capability, and                                                               
those districts with  bonding capability, if they so  choose.  He                                                               
explained that the Department of  Education and Early Development                                                               
(EED) ranked all the projects on  the grant list by priority, and                                                               
that  the  projects  then  awaited   funding  in  that  order  of                                                               
priority.   He explained that  a non-REAA project was  reliant on                                                               
legislative  appropriation   from  the  General  Fund,   with  no                                                               
guarantee to  any project on  the list  that funds would  be made                                                               
available.   He pointed out  that an REAA  project at the  top of                                                               
the  list would  have access  to designated  funding in  the REAA                                                               
fund by the legislature, with no other competition.                                                                             
8:12:29 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE P.  WILSON asked how  schools would qualify  to be                                                               
placed on the list.                                                                                                             
MR. CLARK replied  that there was an EED  application process for                                                               
assessment and addition to the list.                                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  P.   WILSON  offered  her  belief   that  it  was                                                               
necessary  for an  architect or  engineer to  review the  project                                                               
prior to the EED.                                                                                                               
MR. CLARK  pointed out  that school  construction was  not solely                                                               
defined  as   an  entirely  new  structure,   and  could  include                                                               
expansion of capacity.                                                                                                          
8:13:59 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SADDLER  directed  attention   to  slide  5,  and                                                               
clarified  that  the list  for  non-REAA  projects was  recreated                                                               
every year, so that there  could always be higher priority issues                                                               
such that there are schools that edge out others.                                                                               
MR. CLARK expressed his agreement,  and explained that the set of                                                               
criteria  by the  department includes  considerations for  health                                                               
and  safety issues,  such  that a  natural  disaster issue  could                                                               
prioritize a project.                                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER pointed  out that both ranking  and a lack                                                               
of appropriation could mean that  a project would never reach the                                                               
top of the list.                                                                                                                
MR. CLARK  agreed that was  concern for  any project on  the Non-                                                               
REAA project list.                                                                                                              
CHAIR  GATTIS  reminded   the  committee  that  the   EED  had  a                                                               
representative available to answer any questions.                                                                               
8:15:33 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX,  offering  an  example for  a  number  of                                                               
families settling in a remote area  where there was not a school,                                                               
although  there  were  ten  children, asked  if  a  school  would                                                               
automatically be built to accommodate them.                                                                                     
MR.  CLARK  offered  his  belief  that the  area  would  need  to                                                               
incorporate in some form of  municipality in order to receive the                                                               
8:17:05 AM                                                                                                                    
ELIZABETH   SWEENEY  NUDELMAN,   Director,  School   Finance  and                                                               
Facilities   Section,   Department   of   Education   and   Early                                                               
Development  (EED), in  response,  said that  the  arrival of  10                                                               
students  to  a  community  would  not  automatically  entitle  a                                                               
school.   She said  that criteria  for school  construction would                                                               
need to  be met, which  included identification as  an attendance                                                               
area,  with an  additional review  for an  area of  less than  24                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX reflected on an  earlier visit to a logging                                                               
camp  where a  school  had existed  in a  trailer  which did  not                                                               
appear to  be an EED  approved building.   She reported  that the                                                               
logging camp had more students  than many villages, and she asked                                                               
why this community had not been entitled to a school.                                                                           
MS. NUDELMAN explained  that modular units were  provided to some                                                               
areas, but that  any community requesting a school  would need to                                                               
process an application for funding and construction through EED.                                                                
8:20:13 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  DRUMMOND  noted  that  a  logging  camp  was,  by                                                               
definition,  a temporary  location.   She  pointed  out that  the                                                               
Anchorage School  District had supplied  as many as  150 portable                                                               
classrooms.    Referring to  the  statement  on slide  5,  "60-70                                                               
percent of annual bond debt,  guaranteed by law," she stated that                                                               
the Anchorage School  District never took that  for granted, even                                                               
though  millions of  dollars were  passed  in bond  issues.   She                                                               
stated that there was always a  final decision for funding by the                                                               
State Legislature.                                                                                                              
MR. CLARK  suggested that it  would be  better to state  that the                                                               
reimbursement program was in law.                                                                                               
8:21:25 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON,  referring  to  the  aforementioned  "The                                                               
List," offered his belief that  school districts were not able to                                                               
receive   assessment  grants   from   [Department  of   Commerce,                                                               
Community  & Economic  Development] to  develop the  criteria for                                                               
consideration by  Department of  Education and  Early Development                                                               
(EED) to be  placed on "The List."  He  asked if this information                                                               
was correct.                                                                                                                    
MR. CLARK deferred.                                                                                                             
MS. NUDELMAN  explained that  she was not  familiar with  a grant                                                               
program for  application development,  but that  school districts                                                               
had the  opportunity to  apply to EED  for phased  funding, which                                                               
included design  funding for project  development.   She reported                                                               
that  some of  the applications  were developed  in-house at  the                                                               
school  districts,  and that  the  application  process was  very                                                               
clear.   She  stressed that  there were  several avenues  for the                                                               
school districts in preparation of the applications.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON referred to  non-REAA projects, and pointed                                                               
to a  large re-build  project in  the Anchorage  School District,                                                               
which the Alaska State Legislature had approved and funded.                                                                     
8:24:53 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  CLARK,  directing  attention  to  slide  5,  emphasized  the                                                               
contrast in the  funding avenues for projects  that were eligible                                                               
for the REAA  fund versus those that were non-REAA  eligible.  He                                                               
declared  that  an REAA  project  had  a greater  likelihood  for                                                               
funding due to the availability of the fund.                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON  asked to  clarify that  the fund  had been                                                               
created as  a result of Willie  and Sophie Kasayulie, et  al., v.                                                             
State  of Alaska,  3AN-97-3782 CI,  (1999), which  had determined                                                             
that rural  school districts  did not  have the  same opportunity                                                               
for construction as the municipal school districts.                                                                             
MR.  CLARK expressed  his  agreement that  this  provided a  more                                                               
reliable funding stream.                                                                                                        
8:26:25 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  CLARK   read  slide  6   which  summarized   the  PowerPoint                                                               
     HB  133 makes  small  municipal  school districts  that                                                                    
     meet  certain  criteria  eligible for  the  REAA  fund.                                                                    
     Five  districts  would  currently qualify.    They  are                                                                    
     Saint  Mary's,  Tanana,  Kake, Klawock,  and  Hydaburg.                                                                    
     Like REAAs, these districts are  not capable of bonding                                                                    
     and  need  access  to  the  more  consistent,  reliable                                                                    
     funding  source the  REAA Fund  creates.   Making  them                                                                    
     REAA Fund-eligible will  further rectify the inequities                                                                    
     in  rural  school  construction funding  identified  in                                                                    
     Kasayulie v. Alaska.                                                                                                       
8:27:18 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE P. WILSON asked who could apply to the REAA fund.                                                                
MR. CLARK replied that every REAA  in the state was eligible, and                                                               
that proposed HB  133 would add eligibility for  these five small                                                               
municipal school  districts which  were currently in  a different                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE P. WILSON  asked to clarify that  the limited fund                                                               
was being opened to more qualified school districts.                                                                            
MR. CLARK  explained that  the practical effect  on the  fund was                                                               
small,  as  the fund  was  annually  capitalized according  to  a                                                               
8:29:29 AM                                                                                                                    
TOM  BEGICH,  Policy  Director,   Citizens  for  the  Educational                                                               
Advancement of  Alaska's Children  (CEAAC), explained  that CEAAC                                                               
represented 21  of the  53 school districts  in Alaska,  and that                                                               
REAAs  were the  choice  for  highest priority  of  funding.   He                                                               
declared that  the members of  CEAAC were in support  of proposed                                                               
HB  133.   He  pointed  out that  the  aforementioned five  small                                                               
school districts had  all been original members  of the Kasayulie                                                             
lawsuit, but  had not  been included  in the  settlement language                                                               
for  the REAA  fund.   He  declared that  proposed  HB 133  would                                                               
correct this inequity.                                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE P. WILSON asked how  many schools were included in                                                               
MR. BEGICH replied that he did not have the exact number.                                                                       
8:31:30 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SADDLER  asked  if  there was  any  prospect  for                                                               
future expansion.                                                                                                               
MR.  BEGICH  replied  that  CEAAC  did  not  intend  to  ask  for                                                               
expansion, as  the formula for  REAA funding was  very equitable,                                                               
and  only allowed  for school  districts without  the ability  to                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER asked if proposed  HB 133 would dilute the                                                               
availability of funds to the REAAs.                                                                                             
MR.  BEGICH  replied that  there  would  be minimal  dilution  of                                                               
funding  to  the   REAAs  in  the  next  five   to  eight  years,                                                               
specifically as  there were  not a lot  of projects  currently on                                                               
the list.                                                                                                                       
8:34:11 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER  referred to  the fourth paragraph  of the                                                               
Sectional Summary [Included in members'  packets} and read:  "The                                                               
change  provides   that  the   percentage  of   municipal  school                                                               
districts  that  are eligible  for  the  REAA  Fund will  not  be                                                               
included  in  the percentage  of  municipal  school districts  by                                                               
which the  annual debt service  is divided  in the formula."   He                                                               
asked for further clarification of the section.                                                                                 
MR.  BEGICH explained  that  the five  schools  were being  moved                                                               
"from one end of  a divisor and putting them in  the other end of                                                               
the divisor."  He pointed out  that the divisor was determined by                                                               
the total amount of bonding in  any given year.  He reported that                                                               
the current  fund was a bit  more than $35 million  but could not                                                               
exceed $70  million.  He said  that this would add  an additional                                                               
$600,000 to the fund.                                                                                                           
8:35:51 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. NUDELMAN, referring  to an earlier question,  said that there                                                               
were  451 schools  in the  state, and  that 136  schools were  in                                                               
REAA's,  while the  remaining 315  schools were  in the  city and                                                               
borough school districts.                                                                                                       
8:36:53 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD  asked how many  of the REAA's had  a tax                                                               
base which could contribute locally to the schools.                                                                             
8:37:07 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. NUDELMAN replied that as  the REAA's are in unorganized areas                                                               
of the state  they were not organized to assess  taxes similar to                                                               
city and boroughs.   She noted that these  REAAs did occasionally                                                               
receive impact aid.                                                                                                             
8:38:00 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. NUDELMAN, in response to  Representative P. Wilson, confirmed                                                               
that 136 schools were eligible  for the construction project list                                                               
and access to  the REAA fund, and that proposed  HB 133 would add                                                               
5 more schools.                                                                                                                 
8:38:42 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER  offered his  belief that  the unorganized                                                               
boroughs would  eventually become  organized boroughs,  and asked                                                               
if the REAAs would eventually become school districts.                                                                          
MS. NUDELMAN  replied that this  was a state policy  question and                                                               
she would not speculate on it.                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE  SADDLER  asked if  any  REAAs  had become  school                                                               
8:39:49 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. BEGICH, noting that the  history of the state was consistent,                                                               
explained  that  when  a  borough was  formed  the  REAA  became,                                                               
instead,  a functioning  school district  with  a tax  base.   He                                                               
pointed out that this decision was  quite complex and was made in                                                               
conjunction with  the Local Boundary Commission,  although it was                                                               
based on the ability to have a sustainable tax base.                                                                            
8:40:40 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  P. WILSON,  directing attention  to the  military                                                               
base in the area between Fairbanks  and Tok, asked if there was a                                                               
tax base even though it was not a borough.                                                                                      
MR.  BEGICH  replied  that  many entities  went  through  a  long                                                               
process for  determination of borough  formation, and  that there                                                               
was an initiative being considered in that area.                                                                                
8:41:46 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  asked  if  the   tax  from  oil  and  gas                                                               
production located in an REAA was paid to the State of Alaska.                                                                  
MR. BEGICH replied that this was correct.                                                                                       
8:42:38 AM                                                                                                                    
DAVID   HERBERT,  Superintendent,   Saint   Mary's  City   School                                                               
District,  provided historical  background  to  explain that  the                                                               
district   had  been   excluded  during   the  final   settlement                                                               
negotiations of Kasayulie as it  was not an REAA school district,                                                             
but a  first class  city school  district.   He explained  that a                                                               
first  class  city  school  district  required  an  annual  local                                                               
contribution from the  city to the school district  to offset the                                                               
costs  of  its operation,  whereas  an  REAA  did not  have  this                                                               
mandatory local contribution.   He pointed out  that Saint Mary's                                                               
City School  District was  surrounded by  REAA districts,  all of                                                               
which benefitted  from the  aforementioned settlement  for school                                                               
construction funds.   He explained  that the school  district had                                                               
taken the necessary  steps to improve its position  on the school                                                               
construction list by writing  a quality application, academically                                                               
outperforming  the  surrounding  schools, and  showing  a  frugal                                                               
fiscal  responsibility.   He  said  that it  was  the only  small                                                               
municipal  school district  on the  school  construction list  to                                                               
which the  proposed bill  would apply;  therefore, the  impact of                                                               
the proposed bill was minimal to  the state but very important to                                                               
the school district.                                                                                                            
8:45:31 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  HERBERT  explained  that municipalities  which  had  bonding                                                               
capacity  were eligible  for reimbursement  up to  70 percent  of                                                               
construction expenses.   He  pointed out that  the group  of REAA                                                               
school districts now had access  to funds for school construction                                                               
due to Kasayulie,  with an equitable formula of  funding with the                                                             
municipalities.   He  opined that,  as Saint  Mary's City  School                                                               
District was  surrounded by  REAAs, it  made sense  for it  to be                                                               
included  in the  funding mechanism.   He  declared that  the St.                                                               
Mary's  City  School District  had  demonstrated  its ability  to                                                               
provide quality education  in Rural Alaska, and  ensured that its                                                               
students  would become  productive,  contributing  citizens.   He                                                               
urged the passage of proposed HB 133.                                                                                           
8:47:41 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD  commented that  Anchorage had  an excess                                                               
of elementary  school space due  to the 70  percent reimbursement                                                               
for school  funding, and that  property taxes were "taxed  to the                                                               
max."  She  asked if the current mandatory  contribution would no                                                               
longer be  required if the proposed  bill passed.  She  said that                                                               
she was  "a huge believer that  the community needs to  have skin                                                               
in the  game.  They need  to help develop the  resources and jobs                                                               
around them."   She  asked for  a statement  of support  from the                                                               
community that it would work  with the Legislature to sustain the                                                               
MR. HERBERT  replied that proposed  HB 133  had no impact  on the                                                               
required   mandatory  annual   local   contribution,  which   was                                                               
currently about $35,000 in Saint Mary's.                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD  asked if  this contribution was  for one                                                               
school and how much was the school budget.                                                                                      
MR. HERBERT replied  that that there was only one  school and its                                                               
budget was about $3 million.                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  REINBOLD mused  that this  mandatory contribution                                                               
was about 10 percent.                                                                                                           
MR. HERBERT explained that the  mandatory local contribution rate                                                               
was determined by the state.                                                                                                    
8:49:59 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX   asked  why  Saint  Mary's   City  School                                                               
District had initially  been a part of the lawsuit,  but was then                                                               
not included in the settlement.                                                                                                 
MR.  BEGICH explained  that  the  REAA Fund  was  created by  the                                                               
Alaska  State Legislature  prior to  settlement of  the Kasayulie                                                             
lawsuit, which  had allowed  for settlement  by a  consent decree                                                               
that both parties would abide by  this mechanism.  He opined that                                                               
all  of  the schools  at  the  time  should have  been  included,                                                               
however the court had only named  the top seven schools that were                                                               
listed in the suit.                                                                                                             
MR.  HERBERT added  that these  five school  districts were  in a                                                               
unique situation which needed to  be addressed by the legislature                                                               
in order to create funding equality.                                                                                            
8:53:45 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX  questioned the process of  the five school                                                               
districts' inclusion  in the  lawsuit and  then removal  from the                                                               
settlement.  She said "that just doesn't make any sense to me."                                                                 
8:54:07 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE P.  WILSON stated  that she  was "a  real stickler                                                               
for  fairness," and  she declared  her support  for the  proposed                                                               
8:55:18 AM                                                                                                                    
BRUCE  JOHNSON,  Executive  Director, Alaska  Council  of  School                                                               
Administrators  (ACSA), said  that David  Herbert also  served as                                                               
the president  of ACSA, and  he expressed his agreement  with the                                                               
testimony regarding  the need  for a  solution to  this difficult                                                               
situation for the five school districts.                                                                                        
8:56:04 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR GATTIS closed public testimony.                                                                                           
8:56:13 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON  said that the proposed  bill would provide                                                               
the  opportunity  for  other major  maintenance  projects  to  be                                                               
8:57:17 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND  stated her support for  adding the small                                                               
school  districts;   however,  she  expressed  concern   for  the                                                               
continued funding  given the projected revenues.   She questioned                                                               
whether the reimbursement was, indeed, "guaranteed by law."                                                                     
8:58:01 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  REINBOLD   corrected  her   earlier  observation,                                                               
noting that  Saint Mary's contributed  one percent to  the school                                                               
budget.    She  emphasized  that   local  communities  needed  to                                                               
contribute more than  this amount, and needed to  create jobs and                                                               
develop resources in the community.                                                                                             
8:58:48 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  P. WILSON  moved to  report HB  133, labeled  28-                                                               
LS0509\A, out  of committee  with individual  recommendations and                                                               
the accompanying fiscal notes.   There being no objection, HB 133                                                               
was moved from the House Education Standing Committee.                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
01 HB 133 Bill Text.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 133
02 HB 133 Sponsor Statement.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 133
03 HB 133 Sectional Summary.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
04 HB 133 ADMs and Full Values.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
05 HB 133 Kasayulie v. Alaska Consent Decree and Settlement Agreement.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
06 HB 133 DEED FY14 School Construction Grant Fund List.pdf HEDC 3/11/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
07 HB 133 PowerPoint.pdf HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
08 HB 133 Fiscal Note - EED-FundTransfer-3-13-13.pdf HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 133
00 CSHB 93 v. P.PDF HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 93
01 HB 93 Sponsor Statement.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 93
02 HB 93 v. A - Bill Text.PDF HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
03 CSHB 93 v. O.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 93
04 HB93 Changes from HB93 to CSHB93 v. O.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
HEDC 3/20/2013 8:00:00 AM
HB 93
05 HB 93 FAQ.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
06 HB 93 Fiscal Note - EED-TLS-3-6-13.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
07 HB 93 Sectional Summary v. A.PDF HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
08 HB 93 Backup Charter Schools Basic Information EED.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
09 HB 93 Research CERP Primer Multiple Authorizers 12-11.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
10 HB 93 Research ECS - What Policymakers Need to Know about Charter Schools.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
11 HB 93 Research Legislative Research Services.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
12 HB 93 Research Material - AYP Data for Charter Schools.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
13 HB 93 Letter Support NAPCS 3-13-13.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
14 HB 93 Letter Oppose NEA.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
15 HB 93 Letter Oppose Eagleton.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
16 HB 93 Letter Oppose ESSA.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
17 HB 93 Letter Oppose NAACP.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
18 HB 93 Letters Oppose.PDF HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
19 HB93 Letter Support - Covey.PDF HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 93
01 HB 151 Sponsor Statement v. A.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
02 HB 151 v. A Bill Text.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
03 HB 151 Sectional v. A.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
04 HB 151 Fiscal Note v. A - EED-TLS-3-8-13.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
05 CS HB 151 ver. O.PDF HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
06 HB 151 Information Packet.pdf HEDC 3/15/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151
07 CSHB 151 Fiscal Note - EED-TLS-3-14-13.pdf HEDC 3/18/2013 8:00:00 AM
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HB 151